Red Route: Shelby, Browning & Kalispell (Tue & Fri)

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All times represent departures from the listed location.

DEPARTURES To Kalispell - Tuesdays & Fridays
Shelby Amtrak Station6:50a
Shelby Transit Center7:00a
Parkview Senior Center - Cut Bank7:30a
West End Town Pump - Cut Bank7:35a
Teeples IGA - Browning8:15a
Blackfeet Community Hospital - Browning(upon request)
Logan Health - Whitefish(upon request)
Logan Health Medical Center - Kalispell10:45a
DEPARTURES To Shelby - Tuesdays & Fridays
Logan Health Medical Center - Kalispell2:00p
Logan Health Whitefish(upon request)
Teeples IGA - Browning4:00p
Blackfeet Community Hospital - Browning(upon request)
West End Town Pump - Cut Bank4:40p
Parkview Senior Center - Cut Bank4:45p
Shelby Amtrak Station5:15p
Shelby Transit Center5:20p*

*This bus connects to the Purple Route to Conrad.

NOTE: The Orange Route and Green Route also serve portions of the Red Route line. For additional service, please consult those timetables or this regional map


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